Things that make me itch, COVID edition


over it? Yeah, line forms to the left.

We still gotta do it, people.

It kinda seems to be winding down, doesn’t it? And by “it” I mean society*, not COVID.

Alas, we are still kind of in it. The airplane and Karen freakouts are still a thing, mask mandates are coming back, and Florida’s governor is being…Florida’s governor (don’t get me started on you, Texas!).

And there’s no end in sight.

Tired of it all? Welcome to COVID PTSD. You’re not alone. Come on in. It’s warm in here. Imma tell you what made me the craziest these past 18 months, some lighthearted, others not so much. Then it’s your turn to tell me yours in the comments!

🥣 Doing dishes. Constantly. So many dishes. I am absolutely and utterly defeated by the dishwasher. Every time I look at a dishwasher that needs unloading, my shoulders slump and my head drops. I’m not the cook in my family, but that means the cleaning falls on me. And that’s what it feels like…the dishes fall and bury me.

😷 Complaints about wearing masks. First of all, NO ONE likes to wear the things, okay? But we do it. We do it because we aren’t selfish, because we don’t want to get sick ourselves and because we care about making other people feel comfortable, we do it because science is real and tells us they work. Also? The things are clutch when you have to go into a particularly ripe public bathroom.

🐅 Then there’s the time spent trying to find something new- ANYTHING NEW - to watch on the ole Netflix. Remember Tiger King? Season 2 is coming up. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry? Me, either.

🙏 Finally, you know what else I’m over? These stages of COVID:

1. It’s a hoax.

2. Don’t be a sheep.

3. Vaccines are poison.

4. Prayers needed.

5. Visit our GoFundMe.

Check out our first (of several) podcast episode on this COVID stuff.

*credit: Patton Oswalt. Follow him on Twitter. You’ll be glad you did.