Dudes, be the kind of guy your girl brags about, starting today.
/This could be you.
Hello, guys!
Wanna be a good boyfriend? Well, you came to the right place. Some of these traits and behaviors I got from dozens of Facebook responses regarding turn-ons, attractive traits, and deal-breakers. So, thanks to my Facebook friends and followers for that! Check out the post and all the comments here. It’s worth a look.
Learn how to flirt. Read all about it. Practice it. Being good at the flirting game is soooo important, my brothers. And beyond that, here’s my checklist for ya. Here is my handy guide to get you started.
Be confident, both in yourself and the relationship. If you start to feel insecure, that’s about you, not her. Be self-reflective. Go work on yourself.
Focus on the relationship. Don’t be on the lookout for the next best thing. This is waaaaaay to easy in this swiping right world, but give a relationship a chance to grow, don’t bail at the first sign of imperfectness or strife.
Keep learning and growing and becoming. Don’t just sit there. Read some, or a lot, keep up with current events, work on yourself. Be interesting*. *And while you’re at it, be interestED.
Listen. Be empathetic. Know when to talk and when to shut the hell up.
Have meaningful conversations.
Don’t try to solve her problems for her or throw out unwanted advice. And for the love of babyjesusinamanger, don’t be a mansplainer.
Have manners. Be polite. Open the door for her.
Be a grown-up. Be responsible. Show up. Keep your word.
Be authentic but not brutally honest. Always, always default to kindness.
Care about animals. Have a dog or a cat that you love.
Have a life.
Support her having a life.
Be vulnerable.
Be supportive. Don’t be afraid to let her shine.
Celebrate her successes as she celebrates yours.
Give her sweet & silly nicknames.
Treat waitstaff well, and tip generously.
Hold her hand. Offer verbal and physical affection.
Give her true personal compliments. It is scientifically proven that this improves someone’s mood.
If she offers you a compliment, accept it. A rejection of a compliment is a rejection of a person.
Be the guy who improves her day, not adds stress to it.
Finally, be a good kisser. How, you ask? I present to you, Paul Wesley, best kisser EVER. Watch and learn, gentlemen. Watch and learn.
Also, read this great piece that Samantha Highfill wrote a while back for Entertainment Weekly. All about the best kissers on TV. Now, go forth. Be the best boyfriend you can be.