Dear College Me: The first time in your life you get to be…yourself.
/The night that your parents drop you off in the dorms when you are seventeen will seem like one of the loneliest of your life. And, though people love to talk about how college is the most special time of life, it won’t seem like it at first. The good news is, it gets better. And it gets better quickly.
You will make friends…though, don’t wait until too late in the first term to do that. It’s time to start putting yourself out there. You will be nervous, sure, but guess what: EVERYONE is in the same damned boat. Even those of them who seem like they’ve got it all figured out, you ask? Yes, even them.
These are the kinds of friends you will make.
And, oh my gosh do you laugh. And laugh and laugh…
When your roommate invites you to go out…GO! You don’t have to be #partygirl 💃, but you shouldn’t let shyness or self-consciousness prevent you from trying new things.
It’s cool if you don’t drink! Be designated driver if you have to. But every once in a while, just go.
Your university years will be the opportunity for the first time in your life to be…yourself. Or, at least, you’ll have the opportunity to get on the road to learning who that is. Don’t miss that entrance ramp.
I’ll be back soon with more about skincare and boys and dating and I’ll even tell you whether you end up with THAT guy…
Until then, keep your chin up. You’re doing just fine.