Prevent (your own) Murder: Avoiding Creepy Pseudo-strangers, Creepy Creepers, and Bros

If you want someone in your life, keep communicating with him. If not, don’t. It might seem like an over-simplification, but it is true. Example: Suppose a guy in a bar is rude or insulting or even grabby towards you. Anything you say or do to him invites him into your life.

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On a pandemic, self-isolating, and an ancient university (ghost) town

On a pandemic, self-isolating, and an ancient university (ghost) town

All of this, I am very aware, pales in comparison to people actually sick or who have lost someone. And those who are financially burdened by the order to leave Cambridge. And all of those who are alone and self-isolating out of well-founded fear. And those incredible humans risking their health and lives, in the healthcare field.

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Use Your Intuition

Intuition is, among other things, knowing something without knowing either how you know or why you know, or even that you know it. It is a system in which our brains reach conclusions without immediately telling us that it’s reaching conclusions.

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Joe on Netflix’s YOU is not Romantic Just Cause He’s Hot AF.

Joe on Netflix’s YOU is not Romantic Just Cause He’s Hot AF.

The brilliant book and the fantastic TV show “YOU” are about the giant chasm between a NICE guy and a GOOD guy. Look and listen to the book or the show and let “YOU” teach you that. Read what @Pennbadgley has to say on Twitter to the many women who send him messages about loving Joe. Sure, you’ll love Mr. Badgley even more, but don’t confuse him with Joe.

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Prevent (your own) Murder: Stranger Danger

This post is about avoiding stranger violence. (Pseudo-stranger and intimate partner violence are topics to be covered later.) So, where to start? Read my first post on intuition. Then this book by Gavin deBecker.

And, a caveat. It might seem tempting to victim-blame by re-thinking what a person should or should not have done to avoid danger. That’s not what we are doing here. What we are doing is learning about sending a potentially hazardous interaction down a different path, so the person wishing you harm doesn’t get what he wants.

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