From the Newsletter: Stop all the Worry. Today. Now.
You came, you saw, you kicked its a** worried about it? Not anymore!
Some people are so good at worrying that it becomes a hobby, even an obsession, the way they actively spend their free time. Some of us were raised by worriers, and they passed it along to us to continue the tradition. Well, I am here to give you permission to STOP. ALL. THE. WORRY. Now. Today. Immediately.
How?! you ask. That’s impossible! you declare. Who would I be without my worry? I PRIDE myself on my ability to create elaborate scenarios of what might or might not happen to me or my kids or the world, and then create anxiety about what I can or cannot do about it! It’s how I show the people I love that I love them. A little worry never hurt anyone!
Sound familiar? First, lemme tell ya, worry is not harmless, to you or your relationships. It can damage your mental and physical health, it can put you in danger, and it can alienate those you profess to care about.
How to deal? Start with the one thing that is absolutely life-changing. Hint: Byron Katie.
Read more in the Newsletter!