Veracious Voyager

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From the Newsletter: Are you a road-rager? Step into my office...

Are you a road-rager?

It sounds like a simple question, but maybe it isn’t!

When I ask my students whether they themselves are controlling-type people, often the answer is, no, not me, nu-uh. Then I write on the board, ROAD RAGE. And the blushing, looking down, and smirking begins. Every time.

If you still don’t know if you’re one of, um, them, take this handy quiz. (Yours truly scored a 3.) If you scored high, or even medium, it’s time to cut it out. STOP it. Now. Today.

Sounds like a great idea, right? Be calm, stay calm, arrive calm. But, how do we pull that off, especially when faced with other drivers who are making us bonkers and causing us to be late? The answer is as elegant and simple as it is odd and quirky. And it WORKS:

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